TEST experiments, in real and virtual settings, the functionality of vehicles and their components, of infrastructure networks and of propulsion services and systems with a low environmental impact.

Centro di Competenza Trasporti Technology, Environment, Safety, Transport
Università di Ingegneria Federico II
Via Nuova Agnano, 11 80125 Napoli
tel.: +39 081 7685123
fax: +39 081 7685118
email: info@crdctest.it / crdctrasporti@unina.it
test tecnologie prodal innova ICT GEAR dfm Bioteknet Benecon Amra
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Designing in a virtual-reality facility, a computerised system that turns out virtual prototypes, providing a real-life scale (1:1) three-dimensional vision. The methodology utilised favours rapid progress from the original concept to the final formalisation, eliminating the need for physical mock-ups and making it possible to reduce the time-to-market, as well as the cost of designing and constructing the prototype, plus subsequent modifications.

The system for trials on large, real-scale panels is designed for the qualification, characterisation and structural certification of full-scale vehicle components. The tests make it possible to run statistical and stress trials on entire sections of vehicles and on panels at full scale, permitting optimisation of the design phase and playing a key role in guaranteeing the safety of the vehicle.

Simulation of the behaviour of users, vehicles and infrastructures makes it possible to analyse the interactions between the components of vehicle flow and the behaviour of drivers in different scenarios. The system is equipped with a dynamic driving simulator, a mobile unit for recording the driving parameters, a unit for recording roadway traffic and a unit for recording the physical features of the infrastructures, all supplemented by a micro traffic simulator.

Information to users and traffic simulation is an integrated service for the collection, processing, organisation, standardisation and analysis of incoming data, in the interests of managing wireless communications between subsystems, modelling traffic follows and developing Design Support Systems for the planning and design of territorial and transport systems. The service consists of an Intelligent Transport System for the monitoring and management of vehicle fleets used in local public transportation, plus a system of info-mobility, including both hardware and software, based on a data-transmission and packet-switching standard that reduces the cost of data collection, as well as dedicated software.
TEST manages a wealth of equipment and instrumentation worth in the region €12million and coordinates and synthesizes the best vitality and competences in research and training in the field of regional transport, gained from its 200 researchers structured in 8 modern and efficient laboratories.

Even though the scientific competences are divided up into 8 laboratory facilities, TEST keeps centralized the coordination of marketing by operating in terms of Customer Relationship Management and maintaining a strategic capacity to preside over critical factors based on a market-oriented logic.

TEST avails of facilities dedicated to the development and the innovation of vehicles and their components, with state-of-the-art plants for numeric testing and virtual reality simulation activities in the field of concurrent engineering methods.

TEST has developed a production process, an absolute first in aeronautics, called one piece barrel on a Boeing 787. This has permitted testing on Boeing 747 panels of 4x2 metres in dimension. The tests were also carried out on the horizontal tail planes.
TEST outputs could be of interest to research companies, centres or bodies operating in the safe mobility sector, infrastructure design and planning engineering companies, motor industry businesses, leading businesses in the field of vehicles and, in particular, naval, land and aeronautic vehicle integrators or first level subcontractors of such businesses, and all government and territorial bodies responsible for the construction and management of road infrastructure.
Firema spa, Atitech Alenia Aeronavali, Selex Sistemi Integrati (Finmeccanica) SESM (Finmeccanica), CIRA, IMAST, Centro di Ricerca Boeing, Magnagli Aeronautica, Dema - Design Manufacturing Spa, Foxbit srl, Geven srl, Ori di Altini Luigi, MecFond SPA, Avio, Tecno in srl, Istituto MOTORI, Laboratorio di aeroelasticità, vibrazioni e rumore Dip. Ingegneria aerospaziale Federico II di Napoli, CINI, CRIAI, CNIT, UE per il Progetto “Clean Sky”, Regione Campania.