ProdAl draws on the contributions of research groups operating within the organisations of all its member-institutions.
ProdAl operates by integrating the multidisciplinary capabilities of human resources to support the agri-food enterprises through the industrial chain.
The organisation model is able:
1. to overcome the fragmentation of the research groups acting in the agri-food field in Campania, showing the effectiveness of synergic and of multidisciplinary teams
2. to highlight the applicative potential of research carried out by research institutions
3. to build a stable network of competences acting by an effective system integration
4. to make the research results available for the productive chains to increase the quality and the added value of the products
5. to answer to the explicitly and implicitly demand of transferable researchof the industrial system
6. to make a new institution consistent and able to manage wide innovative actions in the agri-food field
7. to educate professionals for the innovation management of the enterprises in different fields of the agri-food productive chain.
The potential market for the research and consulting activities of ProdAl consists of:
·national and international agri-food companies;
·research institutes;
·Public Administration.
·In terms of training activities, the potential market consists of:
·the staff of national and international agri-food companies;
·direct and indirect employees of the Public Administration;
·young graduates.